This power is by far the definitive superpower as it can trump all others. Superheroes and their powers would be stopped in their tracks, literally, if they were to dual with the powers of space-time manipulation. If Spider Man were to fling webbing at me, assuming I had 'the power', I would simply stop time or teleport myself to another location. At the same instant I could simply move through space and easily obliterate my opponent.
Some may argue that invisibility, teleportation or the ability to know everything would be preferred, however, both of these powers can be rivaled by space-time manipulation. Opposing the argument of invisibility is the fact that one could stop time and travel unbeknownst. In order for one to become omniscient using space-time manipulation would take more effort yet is still possible by traveling to all important occurrences and regions. The idea of a superpower that simply allows one to steal other superpowers, like Sylar, is simply preposterous and relies on the fact that you can find these other gifted individuals. This also makes the assumption that there are others with powers of the sort.
This superpower also has many practical purposes including common transportation and time management. Anyone with this power could leave for work at the time when they needed to arrive. As well,there would be no need for planes, trains or automobiles. You could vacation on the opposite side of the world on your lunch breaks or on the weekend. This reduction in transportation expenses would allow one to save a great deal of funds. As a result,not only do you have the ability to go anywhere and do anything, you would effectively 'make' money.
It is clear that space-time manipulation is the ultimate superpower.
For all those asking "Why are you for space-time manipulation when your pen name is Superman?" It is simply because this is undoubtedly the best superpower even though Superman is simply the best looking as no fair maiden could dare resist his fine looks and chiseled structure.
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